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Channel Getaway

Masters Capstone Project
September 2023 - Current

- I am the design lead of my internal team of four's Master Capstone project. We are creating a narrative-rich environmental puzzle-solving game. I'm focusing particularly on delivering the game's narrative and messaging through my constructed level's flow and constant build-up of character and meaning.- I am constantly iterating NPC characterization and dialogue to align with our game's messaging and impact. That being a cautionary tale of being aware of one's media consumption, where the player has the final choice of staying or leaving a fantastical world.- I am building the level landscape of a dreamlike beach island. Since the game is under a monochrome CRT-like effect, I'm heavily utilizing guiding lines and effective Mise en Scene staging and film practices to guide the player's progression while maintaining the dreamlike feel of the game- I lead and actively ensure design goals are being met across the internal development team in addition to four external artists

Level Collection

Academic Level Design Collection
August 2021 - Current

- I used various game-level editors to showcase completed level designs of various game genres, through my Graduate and Undergraduate Level Design courses- Levels showcased where made using editors such as Unreal 5, Megaman Maker, Battleblocks Theater, Portal 2, and Doom 2016- I constructed these levels utilizing common-level design concepts and best practices, such as player onboarding and engagement flow- You can see all the levels by clicking the button which leads to my YouTube playlist

Blade of Reclamation

Combat and Gameplay Designer
January - May 2023

- I contributed my Unreal Engine 4 Blueprinting and gameplay design skills to my small team of four's production studio project about sword combat in a dark fantasy setting- I focused on building the controls and timing of our game's two-handed sword combat. With the central feature being a charge-up heavy sword slash- I built and iterated on the camera and movement controls to support this combat- I also built and iterated on hit detection for both the player and the enemy AI agent.- Lastly, I retargeted and altered the Mixamo animations we had available to best fit our combat and gameplay design


Level and Gameplay Designer, RIT Co-op
January - May 2022

- I contributed my Unreal Engine 4 Blueprinting and level design skills to the student and faculty-run narrative VR game Changeling- I focused on establishing a definitive gameplay and narrative flow for the game’s "Mother Level"- I carried out this narrative through player interactions and staging by creating and refactoring Unreal Blueprints.- See my included Narrative Design Doc in my Blog for more details- Lastly, I engineered dynamic manager Blueprints for doors, and NPC characters and their interactions which are used by present and future co-workers

Curse Of Enfeeblement

Academic Interactive Narrative
Febuary - March 2022

- I wrote an interactive narrative using the tools afforded by the narrative builder Twine- I constructed a magic resource management mechanic that tied into and aided the fantasy narrative, which required leveraging Javascript outside of the base Twine functions- The narrative details the arc of a stuck-up wizard and his relation to his D&D-esque group- I integrated visual and auditory aesthetics which reflect the fantasy-heavy narrative

Virtual Worlds

Academic World Building Collection
August - December 2021

- I built a variety of worlds and scenes, based on concepts including mythology reimagining and corporate work escapism- I utilize art basics, environmental storytelling techniques, and Ureal Blueprinted scripted events to convey rich narratives without text- The video showcased is of a horror-themed story I created based on a specific werewolf myth. Documentation of this concept is found in the video's description- See the other worlds I created by clicking the button which leads to my YouTube playlist
